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Boston Cleaner 30ml contact lens solution from Bausch & Lomb.
Everclear Aura UV contact lenses from respected eye care specialists I See Vision can bring perfect comfort and clarity of vision to every regular contact lens wearer.
New Acuvue Define Natural Sparkle daily contact lenses will allow the beauty of your natural eye colour to really shine, giving you a deeper, more intense look.
Aura ADM 1 Day contact lenses are high quality daily lenses only available from Vision Direct. These great value lenses allow you to enjoy comfortable, healthy vision throughout the day.
Benefits Universal fit. Designed for use with every variety of soft extended wear or monthly lens. Strong and sturdy. Plastic polymer material offers strength and flexibility to protect your lenses. Keeps
Benefits Tailored just for you. These lenses are custom made to fit your eye, so they feel natural and comfortable. Ideal if you suffer from dryness. Water binding technology create a layer of moisture
1 Day Acuvue Moist are daily contact lenses which are meant to keep your eyes moist for a longer period of time than other contact lenses, to give you long lasting comfort. These contact lenses use Lacreon
Bring out your natural beauty with new 1 Day Acuvue Define Natural Shimmer daily contact lenses. Natural Shimmer dailies create a dark outer ring that circles your iris and amplifies contrast, providing
Contact lenses Acuvue Oasys
1 Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism contact lenses are daily disposable lenses designed specifically for astigmatism sufferers. Thanks to the Lacreon technology, these lenses keep the eyes moist and hydrated,
1 Day Acuvue TruEye contact lenses are made from silicone hydrogel a material which allows almost 100% of oxygen available to pass through to the eyes, ensuring optimum eye health. 1 Day Acuvue TruEye
Benefits Corrects presbyopia. These lenses are specially designed to correct your vision at all distances. Ideal for busy schedules. Dependent on your optician's advice, these lenses can be worn for up
Proclear Toric XR 3 contact lenses toric, monthly contact lenses from Cooper Vision.
Total Care Disinfecting, Storing and Wetting solution 120ml contact lens solution from AMO.
Expressions Colors contact lenses allow you to experiment with a range of shades, tints and colours for your iris, while still providing clear and crisp vision.
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